No. You are not. You are still in the matrix. You are that man who is sitting in a dark room, bound to the wall with fetters. You stare every day at the wall in front of you because it…
It is soul cleansing, relaxing, exhilarating, wonderful. I discovered this quite by accident. One day I visited with a friend who lived up in the hills of St. Andrew in my island home of Jamaica. I remained outside in her…
Perhaps one day I will write the book with this title that has been languishing in my book ideas file for years now. Just in case I never get around to attaching it to this potential book, I will use…
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VoltaireOnce we recognize that our reality is not the outcome of random chance, but the deliberate construct of beings and entities who wield power in different spheres of our lives, two questions become immediately important: who is in power over…
Comments Off on Yes or No to Drinking Wine and Becoming God’s Advertisement
One day God told His prophet Jeremiah to serve wine to the Rechabites “The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying, Go unto the house…
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If you are like most of us, you watch the news and think that it is reporting reality. It is a channel for letting us know what is happening around us in our neighborhoods, cities and countries. We can rely…
During my Doctoral sojourn in New Zealand, thousands of miles from my island home in Jamaica, I struggled constantly with feelings of sadness, alienation, homesickness and depression. On one of my visits to my General Practitioner (primary care physician) he…
Comments Off on Should Christians be involved in politics?
Many believers instinctively baulk at the idea that they should be involved in politics. After all it is often regarded as a blood sport and can become rather nasty. Moreover, we sometimes view those believers in political life as hypocrites…
All of them – even the Political ones too. One of the most memorable quotes from “Enders Game” by the Science fiction writer Orson Scot Card states that “In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand…
Comments Off on How Should Believers Respond to Trump?
Donald Trump is either America’s great mistake or God brought him to the Presidency for such a time as this. Which of these two opinions you hold will depend on which side of the political spectrum you fall, and the…